Time to lead.

Speed for Need is led and supported by the men of F3 Nation. The mission of F3 Nation is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the reinvigoration of male community leadership. Speed for Need provides opportunities to positively impact local communities through leadership using fitness, fellowship and faith. The time is now. Time to lead.

In short, this is F3 Nation


Raising Awareness & Fostering Inclusion Since 2017

Track Commanders


F3/FiA Pax

We’ve pushed over 300 riders with a special need and helped them finish the race

Our impact is largely measured in the number of smiles and amount of laughter coming from the Track Commanders that we push. There is no greater impact than helping others feel included and loved. Who Pushes Who?


1. HOW DO I GET STARTED with f3 and leading a speed for need event?

The first step is to join a couple F3 workouts in your region. You have an F3 nickname and you are driven to lead a Speed for Need event. That is awesome! You can get started by finding some riders with a special need that are interested in riding in an event. 

3. How do I submit a request to lead a speed for need event?

If you are interested in leading a Speed for Need event as an Event Q, you can submit an Event Request Form. Please make sure that you have done your research on the event details and put some thought into how the event will proceed. Also, please make sure you have a plan to identify riders with a special need. The SFN Board of Directors will review your event request to communicate whether it has been approved or denied. Please do not schedule anything with a rider or a race until you have received approval from the SFN Board of Directors.

5. are there any requirements or details that i should be aware of related to my riders?

  • Must weigh under 200 lbs.
  • Completed Request to Ride (prior to race day)
  • Signed Track Commander Liability Waiver (signed by parent or guardian if under 18 years of age or if TC cannot complete waiver themselves)
  • Participated in chair fitting prior to scheduled race
  • Met with Driver/Race Q/Regional Q/ or Speed for Need Board Member prior to scheduled race
  • Rider is given a free Speed for Need shirt to wear during race

7. how should i market this event to my f3 brothers?

We recommend using all available marketing options – regional newsletter, Twitter, Facebook groups, Slack, Preblasts, COT, etc. Get creative and have some fun getting your brothers on board. The more pax that run, the more fun your event will be for the riders. 

9. Do I have to pick up and drop off the SFN chairs and trailer?

Absolutely! As the Event Q, you are responsible for arranging pick up and drop off of the SFN chairs and trailer. Please have a plan and coordinate with other pax to delegate as appropriate. You are leading and are thus responsible while the SFN chairs and trailer are in your possession.

11. What are the event Q responsibilities on the scheduled race day?

  • Event Q and Driver(s) arrive at event site at least 75 minutes early
  • Track Commander(s) arrives at event site at least 45 minutes early
  • Speed for Need tent assembled on-site near the start line or event area as designated by race director
  • Chair safety specifications tested prior to the race:
    • Safety leash attached to the chair frame (must be worn around driver wrist at all times during race)
    • All road tires filled to 110 PSI and fat-wheels to 20 PSI
    • Disc-Brake tested for defects
    • Handlebars tightened in two spots (to frame for height, and TT bars for angle)
    • All three wheel pins fully-inserted and locked into frames
    • Multi-tool and mobile phone in the safety bag attached to the handlebars of the racing chair
  • Handlebars fitted to height of the Driver
  • Track Commander strapped in securely (shoulder straps and waist strap, as necessary)
  • Group photos and video recorded pre-race, during the race, post-race
  • Track Commander awarded Speed for Need race medal in addition to specific race medal (if available) after they cross the finish


13. Do you have all of this information in a printable format?

Of course! Here is the Event Q Handbook in a printable format.

2. I have riders that are interested in riding with speed for need, what's next?

You have already started to have a positive impact by connecting with some riders with a special need. It’s time to look at the current Speed for Need calendar to see if there is already an event with open chairs that they would like to ride in. If there is, great, they can submit a Request to Ride and we will link you and them up with the Event Q. If not, it’s time to find an event that you would like to lead.

4. My event request has been approved, what details do I need to confirm with the race director?

The Event Q has the responsibility to coordinate with the scheduled Race Director and ensure the following:

  • Event course meets our Speed for Need safety standards (fully-paved, closed off from traffic, wide enough to accommodate race chair). See the Race Request Form for complete list of standards.
  • Speed for Need has approval to set up a 12×12 tent close to the start-line or event area as a meeting point for Track Commander fitting and pre-race / post-race preparations.
  • Free race entries for Track Commanders (TC’s must register themselves and sign race waiver)
  • Discount code for F3 runners (best efforts requested)
  • Speed for Need logo included among the race shirt sponsors and on the race website (best efforts requested)
  • 2 minute head start (or preferred start time) for racing chair and participating runners. *IT IS NOT IDEAL TO START AT BACK OF RACE* (best efforts requested)

6. Is there a height and weight requirement for a track commander to ride in a sfn racing chair?

The tallest TC we have pushed (so far) in a race was 6’3” and he had to bend his legs a little to fit in the racing chair. The maximum weight of a TC the racing chair can accommodate is 200lbs. The racing chairs are not designed for babies, infants, and most toddlers who may be too small to fit in the strapping system and may not sit still. If you have any further questions, please reach out directly to set up some time to see and test out the racing chair.

8. Can anyone push as a driver at a SFN event?

No. We prefer only trained F3 or FiA pax push at a SFN event. Here are a couple requirements to push at a SFN event:

  • Must be an active F3 Nation PAX
  • Must have attended a prior Speed for Need race
  • Is a paid and registered race participant
  • Must have watched Speed for Need safety video prior to race
  • Received hands-on training with racing chair prior to scheduled race

10. Are there safety and instructional videos that I am able to view prior to the event?

Above all else, safety is our #1 priority at SFN. We cannot accomplish our mission if what we do at our core, pushing racing chairs, is not a safe experience for everyone involved. In addition to hands-on training and instruction, the following safety videos are available and required for any Driver to watch in advance of a race.

12. Whew that was awesome! We finished the race, our rider loved it, now what?

You crushed it. Awesome work! Please reach out to your rider(s) after the race to thank them for their participation and to encourage them to stay connected and ride with SFN again. Thank all of your F3 brothers for pushing, running and cheering on our riders. The only task left is to return the SFN chair(s) and trailer. Oh yeah and write a backblast. Your pax deserve to see their name in lights. 

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

If you are interested in learning more information or have any questions about Speed for Need, please fill out the form below:

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